Veritas at a Glance
Training Hearts, Minds, and Hands for the Glory of God
Here at Veritas, we aim to produce men and women of wisdom and virtue; winsome valiants full of wit, grace, and grit—that cultivated character of quiet resolve, intense spirit, and resilient courage—who lead fulfilling lives of meaning and substance, strive for mutual betterment, and pursue Truth. Veritas is blessed to partner with families and faculty who are passionate about engaging in the lives of their children and students, and who relish the opportunity to disciple and educate the hearts and minds of those God has entrusted to their care in this special model of education. We invite you to consider where you might fit into this vibrant, encouraging, and purposeful Defender Community.
Our mission is to partner with Christian parents to provide their children with a classical Christian education for the lifelong pursuit of wisdom and virtue in the service of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Our collaborative approach integrates professional instruction with parent-mentored study and discipleship to cultivate genuine faith in Christ, godly virtue, and excellence in academics and workmanship.
In contrast to modern education, which seeks to train for a job or a career, classical Christian education prepares students to be excellent learners, rigorous thinkers, and effective doers. Essentially, the goal of classical Christian education is formation, not merely information. Through analyzing the great ideas of Western civilization and letting the light of Scripture shine through them, wisdom and virtue become an integral part of classroom discussions and student learning. This also forces the focus of education to shift from what we know to who we are becoming.
Education is never neutral. It is more than the mere transmission of facts; it involves the communication of life principles and values and, therefore, requires a spiritual context. Because God created, sustains, and will consummate all things through His Son, Jesus Christ, we believe that facts, whether mathematical, historical, scientific, or otherwise, can only represent truth if they are taught in the context of a Christian worldview. This belief lays the foundation for our partnership with families and permeates our goals, methods, and curriculum as we purposefully and passionately serve Jesus Christ, for the glory of God.
A University-Model School® integrates challenging academics, student engagement, and Christ-like character development while affirming the parents’ role as the primary influence in their children’s lives by redirecting time from the school to the family. The UMS approach employs a university-style schedule adapted to the elementary, junior, and senior high levels, gradually preparing and releasing students towards age-appropriate independence and organization. Professional teachers, instructing in their areas of expertise, conduct central classroom instruction and provide direction for School@Home days and assignments.
Our Five Pillars: Classical, Christian, Collaborative, Family Ministries, Resource School
The aim of education at Veritas Academy goes beyond preparing students for college or the workforce; it is focused on producing men and women of wisdom and virtue through three stages of classical education—grammar, logic, and rhetoric. As image bearers of God, students are trained to know and love the true, the good, and the beautiful, culminating in a virtuous life. Students educated in this tradition are able to reason well, think logically, examine arguments, and communicate effectively both in written and spoken word.
Veritas Academy follows a thorough admissions process in an attempt to assist families who strongly desire a classical, Christian education with an emphasis on character development and parental involvement. As you walk through this journey and discern the best educational environment for your family, please remember that we are here to walk with you. We are eager to connect as you are looking towards the 2024-2025 school year! Please let us know if you would like to Request More Information or RSVP for an Open House.
our history
In 2004, God brought together four families to start Veritas Academy. Within days of discussing this unique school model with mutual friends, three of our founding family moms met and explored the concept further. Their first meetings were both exciting and overwhelming. What did God have in mind for them, their children, and their community? Each agreed that this model represented a noteworthy alternative to the educational choices available in Austin, but much prayer and diligent investigation was required to discover God’s will for their individual families.
Beyond the Classroom
We seek to provide ample opportunities for the cultivation of wonder and delight as our students grow in leadership, excellence, and virtue. A classical education should not be rigid or dull, but full of life!
family ministries
The Family Ministries department exists as a way to equip and minister to families as they navigate the many different roles parents fill in our collaborative model.
Explore Our Campus
Take a closer look at our 97 acres and the beautiful land we are blessed to call home.
To schedule an in-person tour, visit our Admissions Page.