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Veritas Shines

As Christians, we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which He has prepared in advance for us to do. Veritas SHINES’ goal is to provide opportunities for Veritas students, parents, and faculty to impact our community for the glory of God as we train our children to become selfless, servant leaders who are prepared, assured and poised.

Fall Service Project

This project varies from year-to-year wherever a need is identified.  Be on the lookout in the Memo for more details about our 2023 Fall Project.

MLK Service Day

This special day is the pinnacle service event of the year for Veritas Academy! Instead of taking a holiday from school or attending classes as usual, students, faculty, and families all participate in service projects either on campus or across the central Texas area. It is a wonderful community event and a beautiful annual tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Spring Food Drive

Every spring students and families collect food for local food pantries. More details will be provided in the March/April Memos.

Shines Summer Service

This program offers various service opportunities to keep Veritas students and families connected and serving even when school is out.


Robin Krawzsenek
Veritas SHINES Chair